Category: Brexit

You create the enemy you deserve

Sounds like the meat puppets we call Members of Parliament have discarded the rights of us British in the rest of the EU. The first step to eradicating a people is to manipulate the law to take away their citizenship…

Stop this monstrous machine

Brexit is the construction of a device that intends to amputate the United Kingdom from its honour, from its responsibility towards its citizens, from the peaceful and prosperous union of Europe that this country has participated in for so many…

Leaver lies – white paper – EU budget

By white, the Government means “snowjob”. A good example is that the EU Budget gets one paragraph, Page 49 para 8.51, “8.51 Once we have left the EU, decisions on how taxpayers’ money will be spent will be made in…

Leaver Lies – White paper – trade as percentage of GDP

I have not read many white papers but I would expect a certain level of complexity, honesty and impartiality. It is neither on all points. It is a hodgepodge of sexed-up powerpoint bullet points with no meat on the bones.…

Leaver Lies – Punctuation in history.

It is truly amazing that with the 100 years anniversary of the Somme being within the past year that anyone can consider the times before the European Union (EEA/EC/EU) to be a working political system for Europe. It clearly was…

Leaver Lies – WTO – WTF ?

Leaver Lies – the WTO rules will be what the UK will use post Brexit: The default for trade for most of the world is the WTO but only if you are a member. Remember if any leaver lies about…

Run away, run away…

The German market story shows the integration of Europe that the Brexiters hate; along with the German victims, we have an Italian woman working in Germany who was a most likely a victim, a Spanish student on the Erasmus program…

Daily Mail – Tom Utley and his Christmas ‘plea-lemic’

Tom Utley’s Christmas plea in the Daily Mail online highlights all that is wrong with the Leaver campaign. He’s partly right – there will be some Brexiters who will have analysed the relationship of the UK in the EU and…

Economic magnets

We British tied Merkel’s hands many years ago – the Basic Law of Germany was agreed by the Allies after the 2nd world war and it guarantees refugee rights. Trouble is that decades of US/UK interfering with Middle East politics…

Brexit Blues and all that Jazz.

Britain grew to be an economic powerhouse by Britons travelling far and wide. We created new countries and transformed old ones whether you like that or not and we have left a legacy of  culture, the most prominent of which…